Episode 37

How to Lead With Gusto

With Josh Reeves, Co-Founder & CEO of Gusto

By Ashu Garg


Josh Reeves, CEO and Founder of Gusto

On this episode, Ashu interviews Josh Reeves, founder and CEO of Gusto, which is reimagining payroll, benefits, and HR for modern companies. Josh joins Ashu to celebrate Gusto’s 10th anniversary.

Josh explains Gusto’s atypical focus on building for “durability and accountability,” as against the usual Silicon Valley dogma of grow fast or die. He walks listeners through how he scaled the company in stages and the new muscles he had to build at each stage.

Ashu delves into how Josh successfully made the transition from founder to CEO, how Josh’s leadership style evolved over time, and how has this translated to Gusto’s culture.

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Published on 03.04.2022
Written by Ashu Garg

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