Episode 42

How to Build an Organization

With Alex Bouaziz, Co-Founder and CEO at Deel

09.22.2022 | By: Ashu Garg

Ideas / B2BaCEO / How to Build an Organization

Alex Bouaziz is the guest for this edition of the show. He is the Co-Founder and CEO of Deel, a global payroll solution that helps businesses hire anyone, anywhere. Founded in 2019, Alex and his team have grown the company into a unicorn with almost a thousand employees in just three short years!

In this conversation, he opens up about the thrills and perils of scaling Deel so rapidly: from the things he got right, like how to hire and how to foster a culture of excellence; to where he got it dead wrong, including titles and product development. Alex and Ashu hit every angle of what it takes to build an organization.

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Published on 09.22.22
Written by Ashu Garg

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