Call for applications: AI startups ready to boost developer productivity 

We’re partnering with Turing to look for startups that can truly enhance engineering productivity with AI—not theoretically, but today. 

06.10.2024 | By: Lauri Moore

Apply now for a chance at a Turing POC and a $250K investment from Foundation Capital. 

I’m excited to announce an incredible opportunity for emerging companies in the AI space. Foundation Capital and Turing are partnering to uncover and showcase the best emerging companies using AI to improve developer productivity with the AI x Software Developer Showcase.

Foundation Capital has a long history of investing in AI, dating back to the early 2000s. We’ve backed extraordinary companies like Jasper, Cerebras, Eightfold, and many others. Among these standout investments is Turing, a leading tech services company with deep, first-hand experience in building, training, and implementing AI technology. Turing’s journey began right here in our office in 2018, and my partner Ashu Garg still serves on their board today.

We’re on the lookout for enterprise-grade AI tools that offer tangible value to developers. This isn’t about flashy demos; it’s about real, impactful solutions that developers can use today.

Three finalists in the AI x Software Developer Showcase will get a chance to pitch their startups live at Turing’s AGI Icons event, featuring Adam D’Angelo, Co-founder and CEO of Quora, on July 24 in San Francisco. The winner will be chosen on the spot and will receive an investment from Foundation Capital, along with the opportunity to bring their product to life with Turing’s engineering team.

The companies will be judged by the following panel of industry experts at an event that I’ll moderate:

Application Criteria 

Apply here by July 3, 2024.

Your startup must be:


-a production-ready developer tool

-less than $3 million in capital raised previously

The winning company receives:

-A 250K uncapped note from Foundation Capital

-A POC from Turing, which has a network of 3 million developers worldwide

If you’re not a founder but are curious about the intersection of developer tools and AI, please join us.

RSVP for the July event here.

Questions? Email us at

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