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Beyond MTV: A conversation with Nina Webb, VP of marketing at Atlantic Records

February 9, 2017
Joanne Chen

At Foundation Capital, we rely on our network of industry leaders to help us assess where the greatest needs for innovation are. With the Grammy’s coming up this weekend, it seemed like the right time to turn our attention to the music industry’s needs. So, I sat down with music-industry veteran and brand builder Nina Webb, of Atlantic Records, who runs marketing for superstars, like Kelly Clarkson, and indie darlings, like Santigold and Death Cab for Cutie.

The recent whitepaper that I wrote with my partner Ashu Garg, The 6th Key to the Decade of the CMO, was the background for our discussion about how video continues to shift the way music is marketed and what’s next for an industry that depends on the artist-fan relationship like no other.