FC BUILD(s): A Conversation with William Gaybrick, CPO @ Stripe

January 25, 2022
Zach Noorani

“A few years ago, a saying started to ricochet around Stripe’s brick-faced headquarters in San Francisco: If Stripe co-founders Patrick and John Collison, both licensed pilots, were to ever get in a plane crash on one of their jaunts, Will Gaybrick would be first in line to succeed them.”

That’s from a recent profile of Will Gaybrick, Stripe’s CPO (as well as former CFO), and the featured guest for this FC BUILD(single) conversation. Foundation Capital’s Zach Noorani hosts this virtual fireside chat with one of the most fascinating figures in finance. Will and Zach will get into everything from Will’s unique career path and Stripe’s future ambitions to the future of VC funding and the kind of startup Will would do today.

Only watch this if you’re interested in a) fintech, b) company building, c) preternaturally accomplished and brilliant individuals, or d) all of the above.