Since the beginning of invention, humanity has advanced because the remarkable have pushed us forward. Across the ages, there’ve been many names for these people. We call them founders.


Our Practice Areas

We’ve been investing in fintech since before it was called “fintech.” Our approach is, per Warren Buffet, to be fearful when others are greedy and greedy when others are fearful. And our track record speaks to our success in this regard.

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The enterprise team at Foundation is focused on high-conviction, high-ownership, high-touch seed-stage investing. We’ve built the practice around this disciplined approach, rather than treating seed stage as a portfolio of options or dollar-cost averaging for the A.

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What we’re laser-eyed for, is finding exceptional entrepreneurs looking to unseat legacy networks, compromised technologies, and broken institutions. Founders who can use the power of the blockchain to build companies that redefine the world.

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